Funding your stay

Funding your stay


According to Campus France, the average of a monthly student budget is € 650 excluding registration fees (tuition and student life and campus contribution).

Life in Rennes and Angers is however less expensive than in Paris.

Students not receiving a grant from the French government, from foreign governments, from international organisations, and not benefiting from EU programmes, must demonstrate that they have sufficient means of subsistence (i.e. €615 per month), corresponding to 100% of the basic monthly maintenance allowance paid by the French government to foreign students receiving grants (references : Article 36 of Decree no. 2011-1049 of 6 September 2011, amending Article 14 of Decree no. 99-352 of 5 May 1999).

Average prices of daily living expenses 

  • Baguette: €1
  • Croissant: €1.10
  • Coffee: €2
  • Bakery sandwich with a drink: €5 to €8
  • Fast food meal: €7
  • Meal in a restaurant: €10 to €20
  • Beer: €3
  • Consultation with a general doctor: €25
  • Haircut: €20 to €45
  • Cinema ticket for under 26s: between €5 and €7.50 euros;
  • Entry to a museum or a national monument: free for all nationals of the European Economic Area under the age of 26 or between €5 and €15
  • Ticket to the swimming pool at a reduced rate: between €1.50 and €3
  • Theater ticket: from €10

Student life and campus contribution

The student life and campus contribution (CVEC) is due every academic year by all students enrolled in higher education studies. It is mandatory and aims to strengthen the social, health, cultural and sports support of students, as well as to reinforce prevention and health education actions carried out for them.

Subject to the situations defined below, all students registered or in the process of being enrolled, must pay this amount to the CROUS via the website:

Please note:
French government scholarship holders (CROUS, Campus France), refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection or who are registered as asylum seekers are exempt: however, they must complete the online procedure on the website in order to obtain an acknowledgment of payment by exemption.
Students in exchange agreement, who undertake a period of mobility in France, are not subject to the CVEC: they have no steps to perform and are exempt from paying the contribution fee.

Financial assistance

L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers does not offer scholarships.

You have to make sure you can cover students' living expenses in France before arrival and prepare a budget.

If you are looking for funding opportunities, you can get information from:

Depending on your income, you can also benefit from housing assistance from the family allowance fund (CAF).