Prepare for your arrival

A central desk

A single contact to facilitate your procedures before your arrival, at the time of your arrival and during your stay at l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.

This support system is supplemented by student tutoring which will allow better integration on campus.
Students hosted on the Rennes campus can also benefit from the support of the Agrowelcome student association.

Visa and residence permit

Are you a European student (EEA member state)?

If so, you do not require a visa.

Are you a non-European student?

If you are not a national of a European Economic Area country (European Union country and Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) or of Switzerland, you must request a student long stay visa to study, conduct research or do an internship in France for more than 3 months. You must submit an application at the time of your pre-enrolment to l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.
Depending on your home country, you must first contact your Campus France office to complete your application and confirm the various steps of your application, then make your visa application once you have received an admission letter informing you that you have been pre-enrolled under certain conditions:

  • to the French Consulate
  • or to visa office of the French Embassy

The central desk will help you with this procedure.

More information on the official website for visa application to France

International mobility center

International Mobility Center

For students coming on the Rennes campus, International Mobility Center helps getting "residence permit" . It also supports foreign students, doctoral students and researchers in their discovery of the city and the region by offering cultural and tourist offers throughout the year.

Insurance and assistance

Civil Liabilty insurance

You are required to take out civil liability insurance, which will cover any material or immaterial damage you may cause.

Accomodation insurance

Accommodation insurance is compulsory in France.
Whether students live in a university residence or rented premises, they must insure their accommodation. The LMDE and SMEBA centres offer cover for risks related to accommodation.

Accommodation assistance

You may request housing subsidy payments from the Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF). This financial assistance will enable you to pay part of your rent.
The necessary information will be provided to you on your arrival.

Repatriation insurance

It is mandatory to subscribe to a repatriation insurance scheme in your home country. 


Nationals of the European Union

You must apply for the European Health Insurance Card from your health insurance organization in your country of origin, before your departure.

Non-nationals of the European Union

French Social Security

Affiliation to French social security is mandatory for a stay of more than 3 months. Procedures can be done online before your arrival on the dedicated website:

In all cases, additional optional health insurance policies are offered by banks and insurance firms.
To increase the amount of their healthcare expenses that is reimbursed, we recommend that you take out complementary health insurance, or “mutuelle”.

RAMQ for Quebec citizens

There is an agreement between France and Quebec on social security for students. If you’re a national from Quebec, you can benefit from the coverage of your health expenses in France. You need to complete SE 401-Q-106 or SE 401-Q-102 forms. For more information, contact the French health insurance agency of your place of residence.


More information on housing in Angers and Rennes


As a foreign student, you will be able to open a bank account. Opening a bank account will enable you to obtain a credit card (€30 to 40 per year) and a chequebook (free).

Which bank should you contact?

To make it easier to open a bank account upon your arrival in France, we recommend that you contact your bank in your country of origin to find out if it is associated with a French network. Agreements also exist between mutual health insurance organisations and some banks.

List of documents to provide:

  • an ID document (identity card or passport),
  • your residence permit (not required by European students),
  • proof of residence (electricity invoice, rent receipt, accommodation certificate, etc.).
  • an enrolment certificate from l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

More information

Working in France

Foreign students may work part-time during their study period (964 hours per year maximum) upon presentation of their residence permit (which must be currently valid and indicate their “student” status).

Mobile phone

Several telephone operators offer mobile phone packages with or without commitment. It is advisable to take a package without commitment if you come to France for less than 2 years.    
Some operators also offer prepaid cards, from €5 to €50, which include a limited number of calls and texts.
The same operators also offer Internet packages. It is also possible to take out a package combining a mobile and an Internet offer.
You can expect to pay between EUR 5 and EUR 30 per month for a mobile package and between EUR 15 and EUR 45 per month for an Internet package.