International Research Programmes & Actions

European programmes H2020

The Horizon 2020 research framework program (2014-2020) supports European research and innovation programs.
It aims to promote scientific excellence, industrial primacy and respond to the main societal challenges.

Programme Logo

The DiscardLess project seeks to support the gradual elimination of releases by making available the knowledge, tools and technologies available.

This atlas is part of this set of tools to limit releases.

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Programme LogoThis project aims to structure and develop an interactive platform for city stakeholders, by offering databases, decision support tools, and assessment tools for the implementation of "nature-based solutions" in an urban environment.

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Programme LogoLed by the University of Athens, this project brings together 15 partners from 7 different countries. It will make it possible to develop an integrated management method for pests in apple orchards (scab), on the vine (mildew) and on open field vegetables (carrot / alternariose) using:

  • the use of bio pesticides
  • models for early disease prediction and detection
  • precision spraying techniques

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BiodivERsA programme

BiodivERsA is funded under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND programme.

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SoilMan aims at fostering the understanding of how the interplay of farm based soil management practices affect soil biodiversity and how soil biodiversity in turn feeds back into soil functions and ecosystem services as factors for productivity and sustainability.

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Within the European Commission, the Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid (DG DEVCO - Europeaid) is responsible for formulating European development policies and providing European Union assistance worldwide. intermediary of projects and programs.

Programme LogoAs part of the EU-funded regional program for the improvement of regional governance of fisheries in West Africa (PESCAO), AGROCAMPUS OUEST is coordinator of the DEMERSTEM program: Study of demersal ecosystems in West Africa.

Started in 2019, this 3-year program aims to establish a state of stocks of demersal species to serve fishery management and thus allow sustainable fishery exploitation of waters under national jurisdiction (EEZ) of partner countries (Mauritania, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast).

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Interreg European Programme

This programme aimed at promoting cooperation between European regions and the development of common solutions in the fields of urban, rural and coastal development, economic development and environmental management.

Programme LogoThis programme aims to collect over a period of 5 years, information on salmonid populations within the Channel area in order to improve the management and conservation of these fish.

Ultimately, these changes could lead to an increase of 6 to 9% in the population of salmonids in the English Channel and an improvement in the quality of water in estuaries and coastal waters.

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Programme LogoThe objective of this project is to promote the development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (AMTI).

It is also an opportunity to boost cooperation between the world of research and that of industry in the innovative aquaculture sector while supporting technology transfer to professionals and education.

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Thomas Jefferson Fund

Set up by the French Embassy in the United States and the FACE foundation, this fund aims to encourage prospective collaborative research in the fields of human and social sciences, science and technology and sciences for society, which address the most pressing global challenges.

Programme LogoThe objective of this project is to develop new mathematical models and methods in order to advance the field of epidemiology of plant viruses transmitted by vector insects and to better understand effective methods of controlling plant viral diseases in crops and natural systems.

International Associated Laboratories (LIA)

Within the framework of increased collaborations with foreign research units, Agrocampus Ouest has established structured actions to reinforce existing cooperation - such International Associated Laboratories or Laboratoires Internationaux Associés (LIA).

A LIA labels a research project conducted between two or more laboratories, at least one of which is international. Agrocampus Ouest is involved in 2 LIA.

LIA Food Print

France and China Flags

The international associated laboratory (LIA) "Chemical and FOOD Engineering: Phenomena Related to INTerfaces" (FOOD PRINT) associating INRAE, Agrocampus Ouest and the University of Soochow was inaugurated in 2018 in Beijing.

First focused on the drying of dairy products and bacteria, it now includes the study of fouling and cleaning of exchangers, new mixer concepts and the modeling of digestion.

LIA BactInflam

France and Brazil flags

The STLO joint research unit (INRAE - Agrocampus Ouest) and the Micalis Institute (INRAE) have been involved in the BactInflam LIA with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) since late 2017.

The objective of this LIA  is to combine recognized skills in bacteriology, bioinformatics and immunology to better understand bacteria-host interactions in the context of major inflammatory diseases in human health (chronic inflammation of the intestine) and animals (mastitis) with the aim, among other things, of selecting and characterizing Lactic, Propionic or Commensal Bacteria that can prevent or treat these inflammatory diseases.