Master's degree TEAM-Actors

Master's in Agrosciences, environment, territories, landscape and forest

TEAM-Actors: Transitions in Environmental and Agrifood Systems Management

The major environmental issues (climate change, erosion of biodiversity, protection of vital natural resources such as water, air and soil) and societal issues (political and economic crisis linked to the process of globalization of trade, inequality of access to natural resources, food stakes for a growing population) mark the first decades of the 21st century, as well as innovative solutions, combining local dimensions and multi-actor and multi-scalar networks.

Climate change, the preservation of resources (biodiversity, water, soil) and the transitions in the agri-food systems require adapting the scenarios of development and spatial planning. Several laws (energy transition, biodiversity laws, the Water Framework Directive, etc.) provide an evolving regulatory framework. New agricultural and food models as well as rural and urban planification frameworks are emerging, all placing the environment at the center of technical practices. Those changes are characterized by multi-issues and multi-stakeholders situations which represent the main professional context of future agriculture, food and environment experts project managers.

This Master programme relies on two sets of skills necessary to approach complex environmental issues (natural resources management, food systems):

  • Developing skills in social sciences through interdisciplinary links environmental sciences 
  • Being able to develop a systemic and multi-scale approach to issues and processes, particularly thanks to place-based and participatory analysis

Based on close interactions between the academic and professional worlds, it meets new public demands for a management of resources and territories responding to the major stakes of society in the environmental, agricultural and food fields.

Enrolments take place at l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers on Rennes Campus.

Level required in English or French for international students:
The courses of the M1 level are provided in French
The courses of the M2 level are provided in both English and French (30 credits/semester available in English – French available for a few courses)
A B2 to C1 level is expected in both languages to follow this Master programme.

Registration in 1st year (M1)


It is open to international students with a bachelor's degree or equivalent in agronomy, life sciences or social sciences, with a focus on the environment, agriculture or food, or in the field of Social Sciences applied to the Environment or Local Development.

Admission is done after selection on file completed by an interview and by a 45 mn written exercise.


If your country of origin is part of countries using the CEF procedure:
You must contact the Campus France Agency of your country of residence and follow the online procedure to register. You must then choose the program that you wish to follow in the catalog of training offered by our institution and respect the entire CEF procedure.
To know the address and phone number of the Campus France office the closest from your home, please consult the following page:

IMPORTANT: If you do not submit your application via Campus France, your application can not be considered.

If your country of origin is not part of countries using the CEF procedure or if your country of residence is already France, you don’t have to follow the CEF procedure.
The Master 1 application file must be submitted online on the national My Master portal from February 25 to March 24, 2025.


For French students, the formation is accessible exclusively as part of continuing education, after selection on file and interview.

For students of foreign nationality, the programme is accessible, in initial formation and continuing education.

It is open to students with a bachelor's degree or equivalent in agronomy, life sciences or social sciences, with a focus on the environment, agriculture or food who have interrupted their studies for at least 2 years and can demonstrate professional experience in related professions with the content of the formation.
B2 to C1 level in both French (for the M1 level) and English (for the M2 level) is required.

Admission is done after selection on file completed by an interview and possibly a 45 mn written exercise.


The Master 1 application file must be submitted online on the national My Master portal from February 25 to March 24, 2025.

Registration in 2nd year (M2)


The programme is open to international students having validated the master 1 level (M1) of the Agrosciences, environment, territories, landscape, forest Master degree, or equivalent.

Admission is done after selection on file and possibly interview.


If your country of origin is part of countries using the CEF procedure:
You must contact the Campus France Agency of your country of residence and follow the online procedure to register. You must then choose the programme that you wish to follow in the catalog of training offered by our institution and respect the entire CEF procedure.
To know the address and phone number of the Campus France office the closest from your home, please consult the following page:

IMPORTANT: If you do not submit your application via Campus France, your application can not be considered.

If your country of origin is not part of countries using the CEF procedure or if your country of residence is already France, you don’t have to follow the CEF procedure.
In this case, you must apply on our website.
Application submission phase: from March 18 to April 18, 2025


For French students, the formation is accessible exclusively as part of continuing education, after selection on file and interview.

For students of foreign nationality, the programme is accessible, in initial formation and continuing education.

It is open to students who have validated a master 1 level (M1) in a field compatible with the formation offered and who can justify professional experience in trades related to the content of the programme.
B2 to C1 level in English is required.

Admission is done after selection on file and possibly interview.


You must apply on our website.
Application submission phase: from March 18 to April 18, 2025

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. Consult regularly our website.

In 2024-2025, tuition for the Master's degree in Agrosciences, environment, territories, landscape, forest is:

  • 4500 euros per year for international students (initial formation).
  • 4500 euros per year for French students (continuing education).

The duration of the training is 2 years or 4 semesters.

Each semester corresponds to the acquisition of 30 ECTS.

The 1st year of Master M1 is composed of semesters 7 and 8.
M1 level is taught in French.

The 2nd year of Master M2 is composed of semesters 9 ad 10.
M2 level is taught in English.

Master 1

Teaching units mandatory

  • Scientific approach (group work) - 5 ECTS
  • Interdisciplinary stakes and challenges of environmental issues (case study) - 8 ECTS
  • Social sciences: Economy, actors, organizations - 3 ECTS
  • Languages: English and German or Spanish or Italian - 6 ECTS or French language courses - 6 ECTS

Teaching units a choice - 8 ECTS

  • Internship: Understanding of the French environmental and agricultural context, qualitative and quantitative data processing
  • Statistics and informatics & Management of the company

Teaching units mandatory

  • Conducting innovative professional projects / Group Work - 4 ECTS
  • Notion of risk - Evaluation, management, prevention - 2 ECTS
  • The environment as viewed by the social sciences - 4 ECTS
  • Case Study: Systemic Approach to Regional Agriculture / Travel and group work - 4 ECTS

Teaching units a choice

Choose 1 from:

  • Industrial strategy and competition policy - 4 ECTS
  • Bibliographic synthesis "social perceptions of nature - 4 ECTS

Choose 1 from:

  • Ecotechnology - 4 ECTS
  • Economic and financial analysis of agricultural enterprises and sectors - 4 ECTS

Choose 1 from:

  • Agroecology - 4 ECTS
  • From land data to GIS (geographic information system): Spatial data analysis of environments and landscapes - 4 ECTS

Choose 1 from:

  • French language - Compulsory for students who do not speak french & Critical analysis of articles  - 4 ECTS
  • LV1 English & Critical analysis of articles  - 4 ECTS

Master 2

Teaching units:

  • Environmental analysis and prospective - 5 ECTS
    - Field Study School: Introduction to Complex Projects
    - Environmental data analysis
    - Newspaper
  • Preparation for professional situations - 3 ECTS
  • French language courses or LV1 English & LV2 German, Spanish or Italian - 2 ECTS
  • Supporting transition to sustainable agri-food systems: Agroecology, food justice and governance - 7 ECTS
  • Transitions, actors and governance of environmental commons - 6 ECTS
  • Approaches and methods in social sciences - 2 ECTS
  • Project-based approaches - 5 ECTS

Master thesis - 30 ECTS

The professional context induced by these major transitions shows a fragile and rapidly changing agricultural sector, and local communities investing new vocations and creating more interfaces between public and private issues thanks to new processes such as facilitation, mediation and coordination. Such a transitions towards a more collaborative management of territories  mobilizes a wider range of actors of which farmers and their organizations, local authorities, State services, territorial public institutions, civil society, sectors of the council, research, companies, new actors of the social economy and solidarity ...

Consequently, new professional fields are identified such as local food plans, urban food planning, , management  of the environments, of agriculture and rural development, blue & greenways management, renewable energies, multi-stakeholders processes for agro-ecological transition, littoral , water management, health and environment, territorial waste management.

The careers dealing with consulting activities and territorial management now recruit at the M2 level or beyond. More and more professional situations, in the public and para-public as in the private sector, develop contracting processes linking private and public sector to carry on environmental management activities. They highly rely on project management skills, and on advice, expertise, decision support and facilitation. Entrepreneurship and, in particular, self-entrepreneurship are encouraged.

Exemples of the variety of occupations and positions available for the Master TEAM students:

  • Coordinator of territorial projects (watersheds, territorial food projects ...)
  • Development officer in local authorities
  • Development group leader
  • Responsible for studies in development and environment
  • Consultant on ecological and social issues related to local projects

Future sectors of employment of Master TEAM students in a wide field of employment sectors in the public, parapublic and private domains:

  • Consular chambers and technical institutes
  • Institutions for territorial management
  • Design offices
  • Local authorities
  • Agricultural development and civil society groups
  • Research and higher education organizations
  • Associations and foundations
  • Large companies

Students who have graduated from the Master's Degree may also pursue a thesis at our co-accredited doctoral schools, in particular the EGAAL doctoral school (Economics, Geosciences, Agronomy, Food) and the doctoral school STT (Societies Temps Territoires).